Making a big mess. Yep, make a mess then fix it. That’s what I do. Things always start out a little chaotic but I can find the joy and peace in them-eventually. Our household is in total disarray (we’re remodeling a bunch of things given we bought this older home for the property and the views.) Plus my studio is still,as yet , unfinished so I am crammed into a little room out of the way of the construction. However, I am super grateful that I can do the remodels and that I can make art in my little temporary studio. I hear many artist have but a kitchen table to do there’s., so I’m feeling abundant right now. Making art has always been a way for me to find peace in my spirit. I like to think of it as a form of worship to the main creator. Breathe, just breathe and find gratitude. What’s working for you.